Life Coach – Eight top tips to banish those winter blues and keep you smiling!

Eight top tips to banish those winter blues and keep you smiling!

November always starts off with a bang thanks to the organised firework displays and blazing bonfires, but how do we keep that sense of enjoyment and being part of a community going throughout the winter?

Here are some ideas to inspire you and to keep your levels of positivity high:

  1. Exercise

Release those positive endorphins by getting out into the fresh air. Even if you’re on a limited budget, walking is free and the positive effects are undoubted.

2. Volunteer

Not only will you feel that you are contributing more to society in general and helping other people, but you will also feel more connected to your community and gain more perspective about your own life. Volunteering comes in many forms and can take up as little or as much time as you are willing to give.

3. Re-evaluate

Look at your surroundings and those around you with fresh eyes. Don’t take your loved ones or the place where you live for granted and make the most of what’s on offer.

4. Zone out

We all need guaranteed down time for our emotional well being but can get addicted to being available on the end of a mobile or computer 24/7 which can be incredibly stressful. Try to ring fence times of the day or the week when you are not tied to some form of communication.

5. Contact

Keeping in touch with people such as friends or family that you have lost contact with, or remaining open to making new friends at any stage in your life, will lead to improved levels of positivity.

6. Challenge yourself

Trying new things and saying yes to opportunities that might come your way is a recipe to staying young at heart and keeping your mind active and stimulated.

7. Accept yourself

Every one of us has myriad strengths and some areas that require development. It is important that you are fully aware of your positive qualities and feel empowered by such self-knowledge – not to just concentrate on your ‘failings’.

8. Believe in yourself

We all have obstacles to overcome in life, but it is crucial to being a positive person that you gain strength from every thing that you have overcome and appreciate your ability to cope with what life has thrown at you and bounce back.

So, pick out the tips that appeal to you or, even better, make up some of your own. – A happier you, will certainly emerge!


Claire Dunworth-Warby of Aspire Associates Coaching is a Personal, Business and Education Coach working with individuals and organisations one-to-one, over the phone or online and leading workshops across the UK. Training the trainers is also available.

For more information or a free taster session contact her on 01746 218298 or visit


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