Fanfare for the forties

There are plenty of opportunities for people to travel back to the era of wartime Britain in the coming months, with 1940s events at the Severn Valley Railway and Ironbridge.

The historical weekends at SVR take place on 24-25 June and 1-2 July, transforming the entire 16-mile railway into a colourful snapshot of wartime Britain. Famous faces, including Sir Winston Churchill and King George VI, will travel alongside passengers on the intensive service of ‘evacuation trains’ for an exciting steam train journey. Other attractions include a battle re-enactment taking place by the Engine House Visitor Centre at Highley, with a recreation of allied paratrooper landings behind German lines on D-Day.

The Ironbridge WW2 weekend takes place on 27-28 May at Dale End Park and features re-enactors, a vehicle parade, vintage fairground. a battle re-enactment, 1940’s fashion pageant and a big band dance. Money raised from the day will go to Pilgrim Bandits, a charity that helps ex-service personnel injured in the line of duty.

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