Rupertfest delight

Dedicated Rupert’s Revenge supporter Kelly Woodcock organised a successful community event, Rupertfest in July, raising £11k for the fund to help with treatment for six-year-old Bridgnorth youngster Rupert Beckett who suffers from the rare cancer neuroblastoma. The event, which was attended by 1,700 people, had plenty for youngsters to do including a climbing wall, sumo suits, arts and crafts and the crowds were entertained by the inimitable Disco Daddy and local live bands.

Kelly told WW! “The support of individuals, clubs and businesses has been overwhelming. On top of the 100 volunteers that ran stalls on the day, there were many more who donated prizes; businesses brought their attractions for free, performers entertained and all printing was provided free of charge by Badger Print and of course massive thanks to the Rugby Club for free use of their facilities. There are far too many people to individually thank but please be assured everyone made a difference! The whole community came together at Rupertfest to show the Beckett family that they are not alone… we must continue to ensure these funds are raised and give Rupert a chance of a future.”


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