Soap box thrills

The spectacle of Richards Castle Soap Box Derby will be back this summer, with soap box carts of all shapes and sizes racing down Hanway Common on Sunday 8 July. The race is open to junior and senior teams who can race their own box built for speed or novelty. If you are a budding racer and fancy having a go, entries forms are now online for senior and junior teams – it’s £30 per team and you can enter online at

Treasurer Arabella Salwey explains, “This year if your team raises over £100, we’ll refund your entry – and entries are already rolling in! Over the past 15 years, soap boxes have raced down the 550m course which has a descent of 50m. Our event has always been about local money raised going to local causes. Since we started back in 2004, funds have been distributed to over 50 different charities and local causes, taking the grand total of donations to £103,770.”

Budding speed demons can view video footage and find a copy of the rules and regulations to guide you in building your own soap box. The three main charities to benefit from funds raised at this year’s derby include ECHO, the Cart Shed and Working Together. Richards Castle is near Ludlow on the B4361.


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