Scouts bear gifts

Broseley Scouts and Cubs collected shoe box gifts for Shropshire’s Operation Christmas Care Leavers during the festive season. These gift boxes are distributed annually to young people throughout Shropshire who have left the care of the local authority and are living independently. They are often on living on a low income and may have no family with whom to spend Christmas.

Broseley Cubs leader Tracey Bowen explains, “We’ve supported this project for two years now, donating about 30 boxes each year. Our Cubs and Scouts really enjoy bringing in their gift boxes and we know from the comments received from the young people that they look forward to receiving them and are really thankful for the gifts.”

And the Cubs and Scouts have also been raising money for another good cause – some of the group hiked up the Wrekin towards the end of 2018 to raise money for Broseley’s Zac Oliver.


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