Selling a business is one of the most important financial decisions a business owner will ever make. Many business leaders may not have had time to consider what will happen when they want to exit the business.
Rob Andrews of Andrews Ritson solicitors will be speaking at a seminar hosted by Stirling Business Solutions on Thursday 23 May, demonstrating how the sales process actually works and explaining how businesses are valued and how to maximise Shareholder Exit Value. The legal aspects of selling a business provide a useful insight of what to do and what to be aware of.
The event starts with a steam train journey from Kidderminster to Highley on the Severn Valley Railway, where the seminar will take place in the Engine House Museum, Highley. The day will finish with another steam train journey back from Highley to Kidderminster. The event will run from 10am until 5.15pm; numbers are limited so contact Meg Andrews at Andrews Ritson on 01746 769700 for full details and to book a ticket.