Cup winners

A ground-breaking deposit coffee cup scheme has already led to a 50 per cent reduction in single-use plastic cups being used in participating cafes in Shrewsbury and more retailers are joining the scheme, including Marks & Spencer. Organisers behind the Shrewsbury Cup say they are delighted the national retailer has agreed to join the campaign.
Customers paying a £1 deposit to use a Shrewsbury Cup instead of a disposable can then return it and reclaim their deposit. Independent cafes have reported a positive response since the launch at the start of April with some seeing a reduction of more than 50% of single use plastic cups.
Alison Thomas, of the Shrewsbury Cup CIC said, “We’ve been really pleased with the take-up, both from businesses and their customers. About 150,000 single-use cups are thrown away every year in Shrewsbury, and we want to cut that number drastically”.
For more information visit


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