A long tribute

At 21 metres in length, the donation wall at the Severn Valley Railway is a spectacular recognition of thousands of contributions made to the SVR’s Helping Hands for Falling Sands appeal. The appeal has raised £397,000 towards restoring the striking Falling Sands Viaduct. The aluminium wall, installed at Highley’s Engine House, displays the names of nearly 3,000 individuals, companies and organisations, with some donors adding names of departed loved ones.

John Leftwich, SVR Charitable Trust chair, paid thanks to everyone who has donated, saying, “In the short time that the wall’s been in place, people have flocked to the Engine House to see it, and the feedback has been extremely positive. This is a wonderful way for the SVR to thank everyone who got behind our campaign to recognise their contributions.”

Restoration of the viaduct will begin early next year, and a programme of associated activities and educational events is already underway. Visit svrtrust.org.uk to find out more.

CAPTION- Sandra Higginson, Geoff and Hilary Boyle at the SVR’s donor recognition wall.


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