Flipper the dolphin

In order to emphasise the impact that plastic contamination of the ocean can have, the British Ironworks Centre have developed a new recycling project. The project, created as part of their School Partnership Programme, is intended to raise awareness of the issues related to such contamination, particularly among children. The message the group intend to convey has been realized in the form of Flipper, a life-size metal dolphin designed to be filled with recycled plastic bottles. The concept is the latest in a long line of similar projects, the most recent of which came in the form of a mesh giraffe sculpture designed to be filled with recycled bottle tops.

While the Centre makes clear that recycling and beach clean-up initiatives are important in combating the pollution of oceans, they believe that most effective changes come through education.

Flipper can now be seen at the Centre, ready to be filled with plastic bottles, and visiting schools have been encouraged to collect and bring in their empty bottles to help fill the sculpture.

CAPTION – Myddle Primary School & Nursery in Shrewsbury putting their bottles into the dolphin


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