Every litter bit counts!

A campaign to clean up Bridgnorth, organised online, has proved a big success. Residents have formed a virtual network of over 70 litter pickers to tidy their town after Covid restrictions resulted in a flurry of litter.

Lockdown led to an increase in fly tipping and littering of face masks, alcohol bottles and cans and takeaway food wrappers, explained local residents Phil and Christina Webster.

Unable to organise groups of litter pickers to tackle the problem during lockdown meant the town was becoming more unkempt and volunteers felt demoralised.  That’s when Liz Rochelle and Julia Buckley came up with the idea of coordinating the individual efforts of the volunteers via a WhatsApp group and Facebook page.

”We have seen an amazing response,” explained Julia, who is a town councillor in Bridgnorth, and takes part in voluntary litter picking in her time off. “Within two weeks we had over 70 registered members. They pick litter and report fly tipping or broken signs. They even clean road signs and wash traffic bollards. They are model citizens improving our town with every step they take!”

Most volunteers simply take a bag and gloves whilst out on their daily exercise and dispose of the collected rubbish in the nearest bin. But some give up hours every day as they focus on clearing identified eyesore areas and reporting issues systematically via the council.

The group has attracted sponsorship from local businesses, who have donated free grabbers, gloves, high-visibility vests and bags.

New members are always welcome. Contact Bridgnorthlitterpickers@gmail.com for more information.

CAPTION: Volunteers accessed the local cricket and football club  where litter was piled together to form the message: Every Litter Bit Counts!



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