Bridgnorth Golf Club raises over £5,000 for Age UK

Bridgnorth Golf Club’s Carrie Lees visited Age UK’s office in Shrewsbury to present a cheque for the balance of money raised during her two years as Lady Captain (2021 and 22). Carrie presented the cheque to  Catherine McCloy, Head of Income Generation, at the charity.

With few social events because of Covid, Carrie was delighted that the overall amount raised was over £5,000 and she and Age UK are very grateful to members of Bridgnorth Golf Club for their generous support.

Age UK Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin have already received £2,000 from sales of a golfing themed cookbook, a project which Carrie started with the support of the club during the first Covid lockdown in Spring 2020.  Members were asked for recipe contributions and printing was covered by advertising from local companies so all money raised from sales were divided between both captains’ charities and the club.  Barclays Bank also kindly donated £1,000 from their Covid charity £ for £ fund match scheme to equal Carrie’s £1,000 share of sales.  This £2,000 has already been given to Age UK and the presentation of £3,024.67 last week was the balance raised in Carrie’s year from charity golf events, donations, and sales of jams made by Barbara Talbott (an amazing £700 worth!). This totalled a superb £5,024.67 raised in challenging times and everyone’s generosity during the two years is so much appreciated.

Copies of the full colour Gourmet Golfers Cookbook are still available from the Club at a reduced price of £5.  Any more money raised will go to Bridgnorth Golf Club.

CAPTION: Carrie Lees, Bridgnorth Golf Club Ladies Past Captain (2021-22) presenting a cheque to Catherine McCloy, Head Of Income Generation, for Age UK Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.


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