New club HQ to host business event

The new flagship clubhouse recently opened by Bridgnorth Rugby Club is to host its first business event next month.

Award-winning business growth specialists Good2Great are organising a business seminar on July 11 at the club’s new headquarters in Bandon Lane.

The event takes the theme of ‘overcoming business obstacles to realise positive outcomes’ and is expected to attract business people from around the county and beyond.

“We have a long association with Bridgnorth Rugby Club and are delighted to see this long-awaited new clubhouse opened,” said Good2Great director Johnny Themans, a former club player.

“It is a very impressive building and will be an asset to the town of Bridgnorth as a centre for the club but also as a superb venue for business and social events,” he added.

The seminar, which runs from 9.15am until 11.30am, aims to provide delegates with a toolkit to accelerate growth in the light of a changing business landscape.

There will be particular focus on increasing productivity through exceptional leadership and increasing income through responsive sales and marketing strategies.

Anyone interested in attending can book at

CAPTION: Johnny Themans of Good2Great with Ian George of Bridgnorth Rugby Club.


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