
Individual Beef Wellington

Traditionally, Beef Wellington uses the whole fillet of beef – the problem with this is that the pastry invariably burns before the meat inside is

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A Snake in the Grass

The human mind is a complex and wonderful thing. Some images can automatically trigger emotions and actions. For some people, the mere sight of certain

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Highways and byways

A trackway is defined as, a path formed by the repeated treading of people or animals. Since civilisation began, humans would have needed to travel

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Good Gardening Tips – May

Hopefully. when you read this article in the May edition of What’s What!, our typically British and unpredictable weather will have changed for the better

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A Tale of Two Woodlands

The landscape around Chorley, near Bridgnorth, folds into gentle hills. Sheep-grazed pasture and timber-framed cottages, lost in time, give the area a typically ‘English’ feel.

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Good Gardening Tips – April

With Easter rapidly approaching, now’s the time to get out into the garden… Prepare If you haven’t already done so, apply a general purpose fertilizer

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The Wonder of Birds

Birds have the ability to brighten even the dullest times. It is just another winter’s day along the River Severn, just north of Bridgnorth. The

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The view from up here…

Shropshire is a wonderfully varied county but to find true mountain scenery one has to head west, for Wales. Snowdonia is a vast landscape of

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Good Gardening Tips – November

Get Planting… While the weather is still mild remove summer bedding plants that have finished and replace them with autumn/winter bedding plants. This can include

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Recipe – Hotch Potch

Hotch Potch dates back to the 16th Century – the same period as The Feathers – and I love the versatility of this heart-warming dish.

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A Winter Sleep

2011 will certainly go down as a great year for fruits and nuts. Oak trees draped with deep brown acorns, hazel nuts hanging from hedgerows

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